Monday, November 10, 2008

Proposition 8

So if your gay and the people vote twice not to allow gay marriages what do you do?

Evidently you somehow get "The Governor" to switch sides of the sames sex marriage issue. Then you get him to issue a statement calling on the California Supreme Court to fail to uphold a Constitutional Amendment passed by the citizens through a referendum vote just a week ago. Now don't think that this is just part of the strategy for victory in California. Let's look at what is really going on here.

If the gay rights advocates get the California Supreme Court to shoot down Proposition 8, whether legal or not, the only way to overturn the decision is to file suit against the state of California which would inevitably take the issue to the US Supreme Court. My guess is that in light of the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, the gay rights advocates have decided that they can force a decision in their favor in the US Supreme Court. This is nothing more then the same forced social change of abortion.

Understand they are not looking for gay marriage to be legal in California, but in every place in the world. Think about it. Right now 30 states have Constitutional Amendments banning same sex marriage. If the gay rights advocates were to get the US Supreme Court approval, then they would override the preferences of all these states.

What kind of bigots are some of the gay rights groups? How about groups who put out a false and misleading commercial like this one. Who made that commercial? The Courage Campaign Issues Committee. Who supports the Courage Campaign Issues Committee? Oh just a couple of groups like ActBlue. ActBlue was an avid supporter of NO to Proposition 8 and Barack Obama. In fact according to their own website 15, 428 supporters donated $1,067,535 to his campaign. Imagine that.

Why wasn't this in the news when he was running for President? It seems pretty relevant to me! Now they are talking about making a holiday for a person who has yet to even take the oath of office. The same individual who is going to rescind executive orders that allow for current drilling in the US for natural gas and oil. The same individual who supports condoms over abstinence. Great job America. Some of you voted him because you thought it would be historic. Well it is historic; it will be historically catastrophic. Great job.

1 comment:

sunnysnows said...

lol, thank you. I wish you were a judge already because I am dying out here.