Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I highly doubt anyone who knows will be surprised to find that I am disappointed with the events of this campaign. My blog is a place to rant, and so I will rant.

I blame John McCain and his personal hypocrisy for the loss in this election. He attempted to stand up to what his campaign called "politics as usual" while at the same time using the same cheap political tricks to win the Republican nomination. Lies, vicious lies were the center of his primary campaign. You cannot invigorate a base that puts morals and ethics first and be a liar. Two thirds of the party never fully sealed themselves to the campaign because they could see that John McCain was not the man he claimed to be.

John McCain was unable to pick a truly strong Vice Presidential candidate, because he would be overshadowed. Instead he picked an obscure Governor from Alaska with very little experience and plenty of ammunition for a liberal media to pick up on. When economic crisis hit the nation, he abandoned some simple conservative principles and spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. His economic plan was never well detailed.

In the primaries McCain attacked Mitt Romney's religion. In various push pulls in Iowa and Florida John McCain flooded the public with false images of Romney's religion. Then when something truly frightening came along, Jeremiah Wright and Father Flager, the public didn't want to listen.

He just didn't have it and two thirds of his party didn't want him, as could be said for all the Republican candidates. Tonight in John McCain's speech there was something he said that on which I will completely agree with him; this loss was John McCain's loss.

Well what now, what enough concerning the losses of this election what about the gains.

We definitely have the first black American president. Thankfully, that means no one who is under qualified will be able to pull that card out in the future. Be prepared because there is no affirmative action once in the presidency. There is no time for a president who isn't ready to take a couple years and learn how to really lead anything. If Obama follows through on his campaign promises there are a few things we can definitely expect.

1. American international influence to dwindle.

That's right if you thought that by electing Obama the US would increase in favor in the international arena you are wrong. The world in a large part doesn't want to see the US with as much sovereignty as we currently have. They expect us to pay for all the international assemblies. They want us subject ourselves to their own International Courts where they would be able to put citizens and members of our military on trial without fair representation in the courts themselves. They expect us to rescue anyone who cries for help without fair and proper personal contribution. If the US increases in favor in the international world it will be because Obama has made these concessions. If you think that Obama will in the international opinion of the US I ask you, "Are you really ready for him to make these concessions?"

Perhaps you felt that if we just talked with Iran, Cuba and Venezuela that everything would work out. What exactly do you think that Obama will say to these people? To make these countries happy we must cease to be America. They want nothing less than to destroy the very ideals America was founded on.

Without a strong leader who can stand up and tell the international community to stick it, no one will take us seriously. We will be walked all over.

2. America's economic strengthen will decrease.

Here is a thought experiment a friend recently related to me. This experiment was first introduced by Ronald Regan. Say the government instituted a flat tax for all business transactions and that the tax varied from day to day in the following manner. All transactions on Monday were taxed 10%, Tuesday 20%, Wednesday 30%, Thursday 60% and Friday 80%. Tell me, how many days of the week would you do business on? By Tuesday or Wednesday at the very latest I would close shop. As my friend suggested all the really big business would be done on Monday.

In that connection why do you think that the stocks are starting to rise again? Why do you think that fell when Obama had his biggest lead and why did they climb when McCain surged back up? I would suggest the stocks surged when it looked more like Monday was coming and fell when CEOs saw Friday around the bend. I predict that stocks will rise for the next few months. Barring an immense tragedy, they will probably rise into next year, though at a much slower pace then they have in the past. However, with Obama as president, if he fulfills his promise to spread the wealth and legislation is passed to enforce those ideals, we will also see years of Fridays.

What incentive is there for me to go to Law school, get incredibly in debt and then have the government force to give them a large percentage of my money if I make it? The only incentive that looms in the Monday four years from now when perhaps we won't have to deal with Obama and his policies. I already give well more then 10% of my income to charities and causes as well as individuals who need help that I can help. Who is Mr. Obama to decide I haven't given enough? I grew up in Kansas also. My parents did have the money to travel the world and my grandparents didn't have the money to move to Hawaii. Perhaps Pres. Obama's plan will help me pay for college, but if I was a minority he would give me more money. Why? If a black man can be elected president then there is nothing stopping any person, or any race from accomplishing what they set out to do. In America, ultimately if you do not become what you want to be it is your own fault. Quit blaming everyone else. Get up and take responsibility for yourself.

3. American will lose the fight against radicals groups and individuals. They will infiltrate our communities in an attempt to subjugate all that is so right about America.

Perhaps they will try a different tactic. There may not be another visually horrifying bombing, but there will be friendships with unrepentant terrorist, both foreign and domestic. The US will sit down with idealistic dictators and talk. We will turn against Israel and claim they are the cause for unrest in the Middle East.

Without the safeguards that have protected us from attack for the last seven years, we will see more danger on our own soil if we do attempted to stand up to a now emboldened enemy who will seek to destroy us in anyway possible.

4. Moral Corruption will increase.

I don't want the government telling me when they will educate my children about sex. It is not the government's job to instruct my kindergartner concerning reproductive organs. It is not the government's place to hand out condoms to my teenager. It is not the government's place to tell my children that disgusting behaviors such as homosexual relationships are okay.

The government never was suited for spreading morality. It was never intended to be the mechanism to insure the morality that the Founding Fathers felt necessary to enable the country to continue to function. That mechanism was religion. No radical idealism, but true religion based upon traditional Judeo-Christian values, whether you think that is discriminatory or not. Government was supposed to keep its nasty talons out of religion. Instead every time religion tries to teach the values and principles needed to maintain society, factions of government attempt to control what is taught. The result is the indoctrination of an entire generation with absolute lies concerning what is or is not moral.

5. Domestic Poverty will increase.

Why work when someone has promised you someone else's money? Why earn above the minimum amount before you taxes increase if you will get to spend less of the money according to your personal desires?

6. Charitable donations will decrease.

The government will have more of the rich populations money so why should they continue to give to private charities. The number of individuals free riding the system will increase so they won't have money to give.


There are many more specific predictions I have, but it is too late and I have work in the morning. perhaps I will finish this then. In the meantime, I am disappointed with the position I find myself in this evening. The day will dawn again, politics are cyclical.


Unknown said...

In addition, I have heard talk that the government wants to socialize and manage our 401(k) accounts for us. I see who Obama is considering for his staff and cabinet and cringe. This is not the change I want.

My hope is that after four years of his socialist policies, Americans will wise up and throw him out. In order for that to happen, the Republicans need to choose a real conservative to run against him. Choosing another McCain-type candidate will produce the same results as this year.

Two things give me solace. McCain, who I did not fully support, is not the president. We do have a chance in four years to put a real conservative in the White House. Second, Obama does not have a supermajority in the Senate. That would be a disaster. Now, Republicans in Congress need to stick to their guns against the Democrats and hope to win more seats in two years.

Charles said...

I appreciate your comment. I would also suggest that in two years we can change things which new legislative elections.