In a book titled "The Screwtape Letters", CS Lewis write a fictional series of letters between a servant of the devil and his young nephew. In letter number XXV he states,
"We direct the fashionable outcry of each generation against those vices of which it is least in danger and fix its approval on the virtue nearest to that vice which we are trying to make endemic. The game is to have them running about with fire extinguishers whenever there is a flood, and all crowding to that side of the boat which is already nearly gunwale under... "
In this light, let us examine the current Federal government plan for an economic crisis and how we arrived here in the first place.
As previously discussed in other posts, the strongest downturn in the economy was ushered in with the collapse of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. As I have also previously discussed the spending habits that led to faulty loans and mass forclosures were required by government oversight during Pres. Clinton's first term. In other words, people were taking loans that they couldn't repay and banks were giving loans that sound lending principles stated wouldn't be repaid while the federal regulators were encouraging and in the case of the Feddie Mac and Fannie Mae it was required by law. We are in the mess we are in now because the federal government encouraged and required mismangament and overspending.
So how do we get out of this mess.....
Currently the House of Representatives in response to the economic crisis is following the advice of Pres. Elect Obama and suggesting a huge spending increase with nearly a trillion dollars or more deficit. To put it simply, Pres. Elect obama has suggest we get our way out of a situation caused by overspending by overspending the national budget. This sounds like CS Lewis' fire extinguisher.
Last night on the O'Reily Factor Glenn Beck was asked if he really thought thatthe answer to our current situation was by letting unresponsible spenders and lenders fail. His repsonse embodies the historically impressive writings of Alexis De Toqueville. It is not that we expect to just let everyone fail, we expect neighbors, charities, churches and fellow human beings to step in and help each other out. The Federal Government is the world's worst big brother. Selfcentered and power hungry.
Alexis De Toqueville quipped that one of America's greatest strengths lied in the populace adn how the government was structured. He gave an example of a local bridge being damaged by nature in France and one in America. In France, he posits that the local people would complain to the mayor, who would complain to a local magistrate, who would complain to a regional magistrate, who would get someone set down from the Federal government to fixt the bridge. In America, he contrasted that the local people would get together, decide how much each individual would be responsible for the repairs, and fix the bridge. If one had no money but could work, he would work. Those with money would purchase the supplies. The point being that the bridge in America would be built faster and better and cost less because the people only built what they really needed and only spent what they actually had.
The real solution to this current problem is fiscal responsibility. We should pepole who made the incorrect decisions responsible and then also hold the rest of society responsible to help each other, not through the means of a Federal Government which has proven that they will send us fire extinguishers in a time of flood, but by holding ourselves to the old standard and authority inherent in the mores that built the nation.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
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