Friday, August 29, 2008

The Maverick

Coming into this morning a poll on showed most people thought that John McCain would pick Mitt Romney for his running mate. Similarly, the polls showed that people wanted Mitt Romney for a running...enter the Maverick.

Aides and consultants have told us in the last 24 hours that John McCain decided his own Vice Presidential running mate. We are informed that he alone made the decision. Now we can only hold him utterly responsible for a weak and terrible pick. Gov. Palin of Alaska. In this pick Sen. McCain exposes some key characteristic flaws. Gov. Palin is a woman, a conservative woman, but a weak candidate. It is obvious that John McCain is hoping to steal disenfranchised women Democrats in the upcoming fall election, but his announcement of a woman Vice Presidential candidate is a day late and a dollar short.

On Fox News, prior to either candidate taking the stage on August 29, Gov. Palin played to the woman and reminded them how conservatives value them and how this Vice Presidential pick shows this. However, what the pick really shows is that Sen. McCain is chauvinist and arrogant. What will the spin say? That will say Sen. McCain has chosen a woman for self motivated reasons. He is using Gov. Palin like most men use women, to get what they want. Although I don't think that MOST men use women to get what they want, this is what Sen. McCain has done today. Gov. Palin had no hope to run for national office on her own; not because she is a woman, but because she is a weak candidate.

Besides Gov. Palin aiding in gathering the women vote, why would John McCain pick Gov. Palin and the base of his party wanted someone else? First, he is not the strongest candidate. It is distinctly possible that Gov. Romney would overshadow Sen. McCain in the upcoming election. With McCain's age being a factor for the public and early talk circulating that he would not be able to run for more then one term, he could not afford a Vice President who at the end of four years would look better then himself.

Second, Gov. Romney and Sen. McCain dislike each other. I don't think they could get along well enough to be an effective presidency.

Third, Sen. McCain is a Maverick through and through. A Maverick does not listen to anybody, including the voting constituents. They do what they want when they want. Sen. McCain has encapsulated the true spirit of a Maverick today. This concerns me. For now he is saying what we want him to, Most of the time, but will he ignore the public for his own concerns and ambitions when in the presidency? Has this Congress endured the lowest approval rating ever? YES.

Now we left with the choice of a Maverick or a Liar, a far Leftist or a Bi-Polar Elitist. In the end I will probably vote for the Bi-Polar Elitist since at least half the time he will be on my side, but it won't be because he has listened to the American people, but because he, The Maverick, has somehow coordinated with my own opinion.